

function _stakeStartFor(address owner, uint256 amount, uint256 newStakedDays, uint256 index) internal virtual returns (uint256 stakeId)

start a stake for the staker given the amount and number of days


Name Type Description
owner address the underlying owner of the stake
amount uint256 the amount to add to the stake
newStakedDays uint256 the number of days that the stake should run
index uint256 where in the list the stake will be placed. this is a param because it can be cached for internal loops


function _stakeEnd(uint256 stakeIndex, uint256 stakeId, uint256 stakeCountAfter) internal virtual returns (uint256 delta)

ends a stake for someone else


Name Type Description
stakeIndex uint256 the stake index on the underlying contract to end
stakeId uint256 the stake id on the underlying contract to end
stakeCountAfter uint256 the stake count after the stake is ended (current length - 1)

Return Values

Name Type Description
delta uint256 the number of tokens that have been received from ending the stake


function stakeStart(uint256 amount, uint256 newStakedDays) external virtual

starts a stake from the provided amount

this method interface matches the original underlying token contract


Name Type Description
amount uint256 amount of tokens to stake
newStakedDays uint256 the number of days for this new stake


function stakeEnd(uint256 stakeIndex, uint40 stakeId) external virtual

end your own stake which is custodied by the stake manager. skips tip computing this is not payable to match the underlying contract this moves funds back to the sender to make behavior match underlying token this method only checks that the sender owns the stake it does not care if it is managed in a created contract and externally endable by this contract (1) or requires that the staker send start and end methods (0)


Name Type Description
stakeIndex uint256 the index on the underlying contract to end stake
stakeId uint40 the stake id from the underlying contract to end stake


function _stakeEndByIndexAndId(uint256 stakeIndex, uint256 stakeId) internal virtual returns (uint256 amount)

end a stake given its index and id


Name Type Description
stakeIndex uint256 the index of the stake to end
stakeId uint256 the stake id to end


function stakeEndById(uint256 stakeId) external virtual returns (uint256 amount)

end your own stake which is custodied by the stake manager. skips tip computing this is not payable to match the underlying contract this moves funds back to the sender to make behavior match underlying token this method only checks that the sender owns the stake it does not care if it is managed in a created contract and externally endable by this contract (1) or requires that the staker send start and end methods (0)


Name Type Description
stakeId uint256 the stake id from the underlying contract to end stake


function _getStakeInfo(uint256 stakeId) internal view virtual returns (bool valid, address staker, uint256 stakeIndex, struct IUnderlyingStakeable.StakeStore stake)


function _stakeRestartById(uint256 stakeId) internal returns (uint256 amount, uint256 newStakeId)

given ownership over a stake, end the stake and restart all of the proceeds


Name Type Description
stakeId uint256 the stake id to restart

Return Values

Name Type Description
amount uint256 the amount ended and re-staked
newStakeId uint256 the newly recreated stake id


function stakeRestartById(uint256 stakeId) external returns (uint256 amount, uint256 newStakeId)

given ownership over a stake, stop and restart a stake with all proceeds


Name Type Description
stakeId uint256 the stake id to restart

Return Values

Name Type Description
amount uint256 the number of tokens that were ended and added to new stake
newStakeId uint256 the newly created stake id


function stakeRestartManyById(uint256[] stakeIds) external

given ownership over a list of ids of stakes, restart a list of stakes


Name Type Description
stakeIds uint256[] the list of stake ids to iterate over and restart