

address externalPerpetualSetter


address externalPerpetualFilter


mapping(address => bool) perpetualWhitelist


mapping(address => mapping(uint256 => address)) rewardsTo

bytes32 is a key made up of the perpetual whitelist address + the iteration of the stake found at


event AddPerpetual(address perpetual)

emitted when a contract is added to the whitelist


Name Type Description
perpetual address the perpetual contract added to the whitelist


event CollectReward(address perpetual, uint256 period, address token, uint256 amount)

collect a reward from a given perpetual within a period


Name Type Description
perpetual address the perpetual contract being targeted
period uint256 the period, managed internally by the perpetual
token address the token being rewarded
amount uint256 the amount of a token being rewarded


constructor() public

a list of known perpetual contracts is set during constructor


function setExternalPerpetualFilter(address _externalPerpetualFilter) external

sets the extended perpetual filter to allow for other perpetual contracts to pass through the filter and added at a later date


Name Type Description
_externalPerpetualFilter address the extended perpetual filter set by the creator of this contract


function checkPerpetual(address perpetual) external returns (bool isPerpetual)

check if a given contract can pass through the perpetual filter


Name Type Description
perpetual address the perpetual contract to check

Return Values

Name Type Description
isPerpetual bool when address has passed through the filter or extended filter


function _checkPerpetual(address perpetual) internal returns (bool isPerpetual)

check if a given contract can pass through the perpetual filter


Name Type Description
perpetual address the perpetual contract to check

Return Values

Name Type Description
isPerpetual bool when address has passed through the filter or extended filter after passing through extended filter, the result is cached


function _addPerpetual(address perpetual) internal

adds new perpetual contract to the whitelist Once a perpetual is whitelisted it cannot be removed


Name Type Description
perpetual address the perpetual address to add to the persistent mapping


function stakeEndAs(address rewarded, address perpetual, uint256 stakeId) external

end a stake on a known perpetual


Name Type Description
rewarded address the address to reward with tokens
perpetual address the perpetual to end a stake on
stakeId uint256 the stake id to end


function _checkEndable(contract IPublicEndStakeable endable) internal view returns (bool isEndable)

checks if a given perpetual is endable


Name Type Description
endable contract IPublicEndStakeable the endable perpetual contract

Return Values

Name Type Description
isEndable bool denotes whether or not the stake is endable


function checkEndable(address endable) external view returns (bool isEndable)

checks if a given perpetual is endable


Name Type Description
endable address the endable perpetual contract

Return Values

Name Type Description
isEndable bool verifies that the provided address is endable


function flush(address gasReimberser, address perpetual, uint256 period, address[] tokens) external

flush erc20 tokens into this contract this assumes that only one token is flushed at a time accounting will be lost if this patterns is broken by distribution tokens or perpetual sending more than one token at a time

this method should not be chained to a stake end - it should be done in a separate transaction


Name Type Description
gasReimberser address the address to collect gas reimbursement from
perpetual address the perpetual pool to call flush on
period uint256 the period that the token collects against
tokens address[] the token addresses to flush into this contract