

function defaultEncodedSettings() external pure returns (uint256)

Return Values

Name Type Description
[0] uint256 the default encoded settings used by end stakers to tip and end stakes


function _defaultSettings() internal pure returns (struct EncodableSettings.Settings)

gets default settings struct

Return Values

Name Type Description
[0] struct EncodableSettings.Settings


function depositHsi(uint256 tokenId, uint256 encodedSettings) external returns (address hsiAddress)

transfer stakes by their token ids

requires approval to transfer hsi to this contract


Name Type Description
tokenId uint256 the token id to move to this contract
encodedSettings uint256


function _deposit721(address token, uint256 tokenId) internal returns (address owner)

deposit a tokenized hsi into this contract


Name Type Description
token address the address of the token (HSIM)
tokenId uint256 the token id to deposit into this contract


function hsiAddressToId(address hsiAddress) external view returns (uint256)

a convenience method to retrieve a stake id from an hsi address


Name Type Description
hsiAddress address the hsi address to target


function _hsiAddressToId(address hsiAddress) internal view returns (uint256)

an internal convenience method to retreive a stake id from an hsi address


Name Type Description
hsiAddress address the hsi address to target


function withdrawHsi(address hsiAddress) external returns (uint256 tokenId)

withdraw an hsi from this contract's custody

caller must be logged as owner of hsi


Name Type Description
hsiAddress address the hsi address to withdraw from this contract


function hsiCount(address staker) external view returns (uint256 count)

the count or length of hsi's attributed to this contract


function _hsiCount(address staker) internal view returns (uint256 count)


function _getStakeCount(address staker) internal view returns (uint256 count)


function _withdraw721(uint256 index, address owner, address hsiAddress) internal returns (uint256 tokenId)

tokenize/mint a stake's erc721 token to transfer ownership of it


Name Type Description
index uint256 the index of the stake to tokenize
owner address the owner of the stake
hsiAddress address the hsi address (contract) that the stake is being custodied by


function hsiStakeEndMany(address[] hsiAddresses) external payable


function hsiStakeEndManyWithTipTo(address[] hsiAddresses, address tipTo) external payable


function _hsiStakeEndMany(address[] hsiAddresses, address tipTo) internal

provide a list of hsi addresses to end the stake of


Name Type Description
hsiAddresses address[] a list of hsi addresses (known in this contract as stake ids)
tipTo address


function _getStakeInfo(uint256 stakeId) internal view returns (bool valid, address staker, uint256 stakeIndex, struct IUnderlyingStakeable.StakeStore stake)

retrieve a stake id's (hsi address's) singular stake


Name Type Description
stakeId uint256 the stake id or hsi address to retrieve a stake from its list


function _stakeEnd(uint256 index, uint256 stakeId, uint256 hsiCountAfter) internal returns (uint256 targetReward)

end a hsi's stake and return the amount of unattributed tokens sent to this contract


Name Type Description
index uint256 the hsim index of the stake to end
stakeId uint256 the stake id or hsi address
hsiCountAfter uint256 the length of stakes that will exist under the hsim after this end operation is complete


function _rewriteIndex(uint256 index) internal


function _stakeStartFor(address staker, uint256 newStakeAmount, uint256 newStakeDays, uint256 index) internal returns (uint256 stakeId)

starts an hsi for the provided staker and saves its data appropriately


Name Type Description
staker address the staker that will own this stake
newStakeAmount uint256 the number of tokens to add to the newly formed stake
newStakeDays uint256 the number of days to stake said tokens for
index uint256 the index of the stake in the list of all stakes


function _mintHedron(uint256 index, uint256 stakeId) internal returns (uint256)

mint hedron from an hsi


Name Type Description
index uint256 the index of the stake on hsim to mint
stakeId uint256 the stake id or in this case, hsi address


function _checkStakeCustodian(uint256 stakeId) internal view

check that this contract is the custodian of this hsi (nft was depostied and detokenized)


Name Type Description
stakeId uint256 the stake id to check ownership over