
This module is used to hash inputs pertaining to access control around various aspects that a developer may care about. For instance, access on a global scope vs a scope that has a reuired input may have different permission


mapping(bytes32 => uint256) authorization

tracks which keys are provided which authorization permissions

most of the time the keys will be addresses so you will often have to encode the addresses as byte32


event UpdateAuthorization(bytes32 key, uint256 settings)

emitted after settings are updated to allow various addresses and key combinations to act on owners behalf


Name Type Description
key bytes32 the key, usually an address, that is authorized to perform new actions
settings uint256 the settings number - used as binary



the maximum authorization value that a setting can hold - this is enforced during _setAuthorization only so it could be set elsewhere if the contract decides to


constructor(uint256 maxAuthorization) internal

Sets up the contract by accepting a value limit during construction. Usually this is type(uint8).max or other derived value


Name Type Description
maxAuthorization uint256 the maximum uint that can be set on the authorization manager as a value.


function _setAuthorization(bytes32 key, uint256 settings) internal

set the authorization status of an address


Name Type Description
key bytes32 the address to set the authorization flag of
settings uint256 allowed to start / end / early end stakes


function _setAddressAuthorization(address account, uint256 settings) internal

sets an authorization level for an address


Name Type Description
account address the address to scope an authorization value
settings uint256 the settings configuration in uint256 form


function isAddressAuthorized(address account, uint256 index) external view returns (bool)

check if an address is authorized to perform an action this index will be different for each implementation

the index is an index of the bits as in binary (1/0)


Name Type Description
account address the address to verify is authorized to do an action
index uint256 the index of the bit to check

Return Values

Name Type Description
[0] bool whether or not the address authorization value has a 1/0 at the provided index


function _isAddressAuthorized(address account, uint256 index) internal view returns (bool)

check if the provided address is authorized to perform an action


Name Type Description
account address the address to check authorization against
index uint256 the index of the setting boolean to check

Return Values

Name Type Description
[0] bool whether or not the address authorization value has a 1/0 at the provided index


function _isAuthorized(bytes32 key, uint256 index) internal view returns (bool)

check the index of the setting for the provided key return true if flag is true


Name Type Description
key bytes32 the key to check against the authorization mapping
index uint256 the index of the setting flag to check

Return Values

Name Type Description
[0] bool whether or not the authorization value has a 1 or a 0 at the provided index


function _getAddressSettings(address account) internal view returns (uint256)

access settings scoped under an account (address) only


Name Type Description
account address the account whose settings you wish to access

Return Values

Name Type Description
[0] uint256 arbitrary authorization value